Need to know where you new hire’s laptop is? When she’ll have systems access for her role? When her training is scheduled? Get complete visibility of all onboarding related activity from your PMG dashboard.

PMG’s onboarding dashboards give you everything you need, right at your fingertips. Interactive dashboards provide easy-to-understand status and management summaries, as well as an interface for working assignments and tasks. Create customized views of the information you utilize most. Monitor your onboading stats visually, click down into the details, or even take immediate action.


“Not only has PMG simplified onboarding, they’ve improved our visibility. The entire process, from granting network access to providing assets and physical workspace allocation, occurs in one workflow. We can document and track operations with unprecedented accuracy, eliminating those excess emails and status calls.”

“The system is robust enough to address complex issues yet nimble enough to allow us to be independent. I’ve yet to find anything that people have requested that we haven’t been able to do.”

“Using PMG provides us with a huge advantage because now we are aware of delays in the process and we can identify the step in the workflow where the issue has occurred.”
Contact Us
Ready to know more? Get in touch! We’d love to speak with you about your current onboarding processes to see if you can benefit from automation.